Bibliography: Cleanup of Radiation Sites
(last updated 21 Dec 2020)
> See also:
- Best Available Techniques (BAT) Reference Document for the Management of Waste from Extractive Industries in accordance with Directive 2006/21/EC , by Elena Garbarino, Glenn Orveillon, Hans G. M. Saveyn, et al., Joint Research Center, European Commission, EUR 28963 EN, 2018
- The Long-Term Safety of Uranium Mine and Mill Tailing Legacies in an Enlarged EU , by W. Eberhard Falck, EUR 23660 EN, European Commission, Joint Research Centre, 2008
[The legacy of about sixty year mining and milling of uranium ores in Europe has resulted in a variety of smaller and larger environmental liabilities needing care and attention. A special group amongst all these liabilities is the group of mine and mill tailing disposal sites. A detailed overview of the situation of these disposal sites in the EU is the subject of a special study completed by the Commission in 2006 and updated in 2008.
The study clearly shows that a long-term stewardship is needed, not only for management of existing legacies, but also for avoiding new legacies and meeting demands for future uranium production.]
- Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials From Uranium Mining, Volume 1: Mining and Reclamation Background , U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, EPA 402-R-05-007, 182 pp., January 2006, Revised June 2007 [describes the uranium mining processes (conventional and in situ-leaching) used in the United States, the volumes and characteristics of the wastes generated, and the schemes used for reclamation of former uranium mine sites.]
- Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials From Uranium Mining, Volume 2: Investigation of Potential Health, Geographic, and Environmental Issues of Abandoned Uranium Mines , U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, EPA 402-R-05-007, August 2007 (Updated April, 2008)
[provides a general scoping evaluation of potential radiogenic cancer and environmental risks posed by small abandoned uranium mines in the western United States.]
- Technical Support for Amending Standards for Management of Uranium Byproduct Materials: 40 CFR Part 192, Subpart D, Background Information Document (Oct '93), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, EPA 402-R-93-085, 176 pp., 1993
> Available for download from EPA NEPIS (EPA Pub # 402R93085)
- Ground-Water Protection Standards for Inactive Uranium Tailings Sites (40 CFR 192). Background Information for Final Rule, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, EPA 520/1-88-023, 276 pp., 1988
> Available for download from EPA NEPIS (EPA Pub # 520188023)
- Die nachhaltige Verwahrung industrieller Absetzanlagen (IAA) des Uranbergbaus eine geotechnische Herausforderung dargestellt am Beispiel der IAA Helmsdorf bei Zwickau (The sustainable management of industrial uranium tailing ponds - a geotechnical challenge: A case study of the Helmsdorf site),
von Hans Palme, Manfred Wittig; Sächsisches Landesamt für Umwelt und Geologie, Dresden 2004 (in German )
> Download full report (356k PDF)
- Untersuchung des Einflusses der Bioturbation von Abdeckungen und kontaminierten Materialien auf Radondämmwirkung mittels Bleispurmethode, von H. Schulz, L. Funke, A. Schellenberger, W. Löbner, B. Leichsenring, J. Regner;
Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit, Schriftenreihe Reaktorsicherheit und Strahlenschutz, BMU - 2004 - 643, September 2004, 289 S. (in German )
> Download full report (3.5MB PDF)
- The Long-Term Stabilization of Uranium Mill Tailings, Final report of a co-ordinated research project 20002004, IAEA-TECDOC-1403, ISBN 92-0-108904-X, Vienna, August 2004, 311 p.
> Download full report (7.5MB PDF)
- Leitfaden Uranbergbausanierung. Wegweiser für den Umgang mit radioaktiv kontaminierten Materialien, Flächen, Bergehalden und Absetzanlagen aus dem Altbergbau. Sächsisches Staatsministerium für Umwelt und Landwirtschaft (Hg.), Dresden, Dez. 2000, 178 S. (in German )
- Entwicklung einer Messmethodik zur Bestimmung der Radonquellstärke großer Flächen und Bewertung der Radondämmwirkung von Abdeckschichten, von H. Schulz, L. Funke, B. Knittel, A. Koschemann, S. Rothe, A. Schellenberger, W. Vogel;
Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit, Schriftenreihe Reaktorsicherheit und Strahlenschutz, BMU-2003-622, Bonn 2003, 135 S. (in German )
> Download full text (PDF)
- Untersuchungen zur Festlegung von Parametern für die Modellierung der Radonfreisetzung aus bodennahen Flächenquellen, von H. Thielen, R. Martens, M. Schatzmann, B. Leitl, R. Barthel, A. Lohmeyer, M. Stockhause;
Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit, Schriftenreihe Reaktorsicherheit und Strahlenschutz, BMU-2003-621, Bonn 2003, 270 S. (in German )
> Download full text (PDF)
- Technical bases and guidance for radon flux monitoring at uranium mill tailing sites , DCN 2042-TR-01-0, Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education, June 2011, 12 p. (664k PDF)
- Monitoring and Surveillance of Residues from the Mining and Milling of Uranium and Thorium,
Safety Reports Series No. 27, STI/PUB/1146, 65 pp., International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, November 2002, ISBN 92-0-118802-1
> Download Full Report (795k PDF)
- Management of Radioactive Waste from the Mining and Milling of Ores,
> Download full report (274k PDF)
- Historical Case Analysis of Uranium Plume Attenuation, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NUREG/CR-6705, Feb 2001, 49 p.
Full text available at ADAMS , Accession No. ML010460162 (3MB TIFF)
- Warm Sands : Uranium Mill Tailings Policy in the Atomic West , by Eric Mogren,
ISBN 0-8263-2280-8, 320 pages, University of New Mexico Press, 2002
[story of the Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action (UMTRA) Project]
- Research on the Characterization and Conditioning of Uranium Mill Tailings. Volume 1. I. Characterization and Leaching Behavior of Uranium Mill Tailings. By Dreesen,D R; Bunker,M E; Cokal,E J; Denton,M M; Starner,J W. Los Alamos National Lab. (Ed.), DOE/UMT-0263, 1983, 141 p.
> Download full text (9.6MB, PDF format)
- Long-term radiological aspects of management of
wastes from uranium mining and milling, Report of a
group of experts, OECD Nuclear Energy Agency, Paris, Sept. 1984,
112 p. [modeling of health impact of various uranium mill
tailings management alternatives for different climatic
Order address: OECD Publications
- Scientific Basis for Risk Assessment and Management
of Uranium Mill Tailings, edited by Uranium Mill
Tailings Study Panel, National Research Council, published by
National Academy Press, Washington, D.C., 1986, 262 p.
[complete overview on health and environmental risks from
uranium mill tailings and their management]
Order address: Board on Radioactive Waste Management, National
Research Council, 2101 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington,
D.C. 20418, USA
- Current Practices for the Management and Confinement
of Uranium Mill Tailings, Technical Report Series
No.335, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna 1992, 140
Order address (respectively national IAEA sales agent): Division
of Publications, International Atomic
Energy Agency
- Decommissioning of Facilities for Mining and Milling
of Radioactive Ores and Closeout of Residues, Technical
Report Series No.362, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna
1994, 186 p.
Order address (respectively national IAEA sales agent): Division
of Publications, International Atomic
Energy Agency
- Management of Radioactive Waste from the Mining and Milling of Ores, Safety Guide ,
IAEA Safety Standards Series No. WS-G-1.2, Vienna 2002
- Decommissioning of U.S. Uranium Production
Facilities. U.S. DOE Energy Information Administration,
Report No. DOE/EIA-0592, February 1995. [This report
presents an analysis of the decommissioning process for
facilities covered by Title II of the Uranium Mill Tailings
Radiation Control Act (UMTRCA) of 1978
(P.L. 95-604) and its potential impact on uranium supply and
prices. Included in the report are a description of the growth
of the domestic uranium industry and the development of its
regulatory framework; a general description of production
methods, current status, and the types of wastes cleanup
problems as well as reclamation processes followed at
conventional uranium production facilities; a description of the
decommissioning procedures at nonconventional production
facilities; and a conclusion focusing on the potential impact of
decommissioning costs on current and future uranium
Order address: National Technical Information
Also available by FTP-
Download (681k, PDF format).
- Tailings
Management - Problems and Solutions in the Mining
Industry , by Gordon M. Ritcey, Process Metallurgy
6, Elsevier, Amsterdam
1989, 970 pages, ISBN 0-444-87374-0
- 1996
Baseline Environmental Management Report , U.S.
Department of Energy
- Technical Approach Document, Rev.2,
published by U.S. DOE Albuquerque Operations Office, NM (USA),
Uranium Mill Tailings Project Office, Albuquerque NM, December
1989, 305 p., Report No. DOE/UMTRA-050425-0002, Order No.
DE91005807 [comprehensive manual on the technologies used
for uranium mill tailings management in the US: disposal cell
design approach, cover design, geological stability,
geotechnical stability, radon attenuation, water resources
protection, alternate site selection, etc.]
Order address: National Technical Information
- Experiences with the reclamation of uranium mining
areas in USA and their transfer to the situation at selected
sites in the south of the former German Democratic
Republic, by Wm. Paul Robinson and Gerhard Schmidt,
Albuquerque / Darmstadt 1991, 150 p.
Order address: Öko-Institut
e.V., Bereich Reaktorsicherheit
- Uranium-Mining and Hydrogeology, B.Merkel,
S.Hurst, E.P.Löhnert, W.Struckmeier (Eds.), Proceedings of
the International Conference and Workshop , Freiberg, Germany,
October 1995, Reihe GeoCongress 1, Verlag Sven von Loga , Köln 1995, 583 p. ISBN 3-87361-256-9 [Scientific papers
on the groundwater problems experienced with decommissioning of
uranium mines and mills, focused on Wismut's sites in Eastern
Germany - and in particular on the Königstein underground
leaching mine; partly in English, partly in German]
- Uranium Mining and Hydrogeology II, B.Merkel,
C.Helling (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference and Workshop , Freiberg, Germany, September 1998, Reihe GeoCongress 5, Vol. 1 + 2, Verlag Sven von Loga ,
Köln 1998, 628 + 121 S. ISBN 3-87361-267-4 [Scientific papers
on the groundwater problems experienced with decommissioning of
uranium mines and mills, with numerous contributions on the Wismut reclamation; partly in English, partly in German]
- Decommissioning of old uranium ore extraction and
treatment installations, by J.P. Hébert, J.L.
Daroussin, P. Michel et al., European Commission, Nuclear
science and technology series, Report EUR 16885, ISBN 92-827-
6823-6, 303 p., Luxembourg 1996 [covers uranium mining and
milling sites in Europe and former USSR; the major part of the
book consists of compilation of site data in tabular form; the
report also describes decommissioning technology, regulatory
framework, current state of decommissioning and remediation
efforts, radiation monitoring, etc.; report only takes into
consideration data available in 1994]
Order address:
EUR-OP Sales Agents
- Planning for environmental restoration of uranium mining and milling sites in central and eastern Europe , Proceedings of a workshop held under the Technical Co-operation Project RER/9/022 on Environmental Restoration in Central and Eastern Europe, Felix, Romania, 4-8 November 1996. IAEA-TECDOC-982, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, November 1997, 215 p.
- Technical options for the remediation of contaminated groundwater , IAEA-TECDOC-1088, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, June 1999, 129 p. [mainly covers contamination from uranium mining (conventional and in-situ leaching); case histories of national experience include USA, Canada, Russia, Germany, Bulgaria, and Czech Republic]
- Environmental Activities in Uranium Mining and Milling, A Joint NEA/IAEA Report, OECD Nuclear Energy Agency , 173 p., Paris, 1999
- Tailing Dams 2000 Proceedings, March 28-30, 2000, Las Vegas, Nevada, Association of State Dam Safety Officials, Inc. , Lexington, Kentucky, March 2000, 482 p.
- Conclusions and recommendations of the SCOPE-RADSITE workshop on REMEDIATION ACHIEVEMENTS AFTER URANIUM MINING AND MILLING, Munich, Germany, September 2000 , by H. Vandenhove, C.M. Vandecasteele, G. Collard
- Environmental Remediation of Uranium Production Facilities , ISBN 92-64-19509-2, OECD NEA / IAEA, Paris, Feb 2002, 328 p.
> View full book online (Google books)
- Uranium in the Aquatic Environment . Merkel, B., Planer-Friedrich, B., Wolkersdorfer, C. (Eds.), Heidelberg 2002. 1112 p. ISBN 3-540-43927-7
Publication date: September 05, 2002
[Proceedings of Uranium Mining and Hydrogeology III Freiberg (Sachsen), Germany, September 15 - 21, 2002]
- Radiological Assessments for Clearance of Materials from Nuclear Facilities , U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NUREG-1640, June 2003
- Uranium Mill Tailings Remediation Performed by the US DOE: An Overview, by Paul Robinson, Southwest Research and Information Center, Albuquerque, NM
, May 18, 2004
> Download full report (2MB PDF)
- Uranium in the Environment - Mining Impact and Consequences , Broder J. Merkel, Andrea Hasche-Berger (Editors), ISBN 3-540-28363-3, Berlin Heidelberg 2006, 898 p.
[proceedings of Uranium Mining and Hydrogeology IV on Sep 11-16, 2005, Freiberg / Germany]
- Calculation Guide Mining: Calculation Guide for the Determination of Radiation Exposure due to Environmental Radioactivity Resulting from Mining , BfS-SW-09/11, Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz (BfS), Berlin, Sep. 5, 2011
[English edition of
Berechnungsgrundlagen zur Ermittlung der Strahlenexposition infolge bergbaubedingter Umweltradioaktivität (Berechnungsgrundlagen - Bergbau) , BfS-SW-07/10, Mai 2010]
- Conference Proceedings Series Uranium Mill Tailings
Management, Colorado State University, Dept. of Civil
Engineering [unique collection of scientific papers]
- Conference Proceedings Series Tailings and Mine Waste, Colorado State University.
For details and order address see Mining
Engineering List of Publications (Balkema Publishers)
> see also Tailings Dam Calculators
> see also extra page on Safety of Tailings Dams !
- Exposure of the Public from Large Deposits of Mineral Residues , IAEA TECDOC Series No. 1660, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, June 2011 (684k PDF )
[covers waste rock and tailings deposits from mining for uranium and/or other minerals]
- Management of Long Term Radiological Liabilities: Stewardship Challenges ,
Technical Reports Series No. 450, IAEA, October 2006, 239 p. (4.1M PDF)
- Remediation of sites with dispersed radioactive contamination , Vienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, 2004. 117 p. (Technical reports series, ISSN 0074-1914 ; no. 424), STI/DOC/010/424, ISBN 92-0-114603-5
- Soil Screening Guidance for Radionuclides
The Soil Screening Guidance is a tool developed by U.S. EPA to help standardize and accelerate the evaluation and cleanup of contaminated soils at sites on the National
Priorities List (NPL) where future residential land use is anticipated. The User's Guide provides a simple step-by-step methodology for environmental science/engineering professionals to calculate risk-based, site-specific soil screening levels (SSLs) for contaminants in soil that may be used to identify areas needing further investigation at NPL sites. The guidance includes an online calculator.
- Technologies for remediation of radioactively contaminated sites , IAEA-TECDOC-1086, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, June 1999, 101 p.
- Radiological Assessments For Clearance Of Equipment And Materials From Nuclear Facilities , U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NUREG-1640 Vol. 1 + 2, 1998
- Planning for environmental restoration of
radioactively contaminated sites in central and eastern
Europe, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna,
1996, IAEA-TECDOC-865 (3 volumes)
> Download: Vol. 1 ·
Vol. 2 ·
Vol. 3 (PDF)
- Recycling in the EM
program (U.S. DOE)
- Technology Summary Reports (Rainbow Series) , U.S.
DOE, June 1995
- Application of Best Available Technology for
Radioactive Effluent Control (Draft) (U.S. DOE)
Download full text (730k PDF)
- Radiation Site Cleanup Regulations: Technical
Support Document For The Development Of Radionuclide Cleanup
Levels For Soil - Review Draft, U.S. EPA, EPA 402-R-96-
011 A, September 1994
Download table
of contents and introduction (75k PDF) ·
chapters (3.2M PDF ZIP) · Appendices (except K and M) (1.9M PDF ZIP) · App.K (11.2M PDF ZIP) · App.M (10.4M PDF ZIP)
Scrap Metal Project · publications (U.S. EPA)
- Nuclear Decommissioning: Recycling and Reuse of Scrap Metals, OECD Nuclear Energy Agency, Paris, 1996, 58p.
Download full text (3.2M PDF)
- Technology Screening Guide for Radioactively
Contaminated Sites, U.S. EPA, EPA 402-R-96-017, Nov.
Download full text (684k PDF ZIP)
- Stabilization/Solidification Processes for Mixed
Waste, U.S. EPA, EPA 402-R-96-014, June 1996
Download full text (515k WP6.1 ZIP)
- Recent Developments for In Situ Treatment of Metal
Contaminated Soils, U.S. EPA, March 5, 1997, 64 p.
Download full text: (561k,
- Presumptive Response Strategy and Ex-Situ Treatment
Technologies for Contaminated Ground Water at CERCLA Sites -
Final Guidance, U.S. EPA, Directive 9283.1-12, EPA
540/R-96/023, October 1996
> Download Main text (PDF) · Appendices A-D (PDF)
- CLU-IN -
Publications on Remediation Technologies (U.S. EPA)
- Radiation Technology
publications (U.S. EPA)
- Technical
Documents (Groundwater Remediation Technologies Analysis
Center - GWRTAC)
Order address links:
- National Technical Information
Service NTIS ,
5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161, USA, Tel. +1-703-
487-4650, Fax: +1-703-321-8547
- OECD Publications
(respectively national OECD sales office): OECD Publications, 2, rue
André Pascal, F-75775 PARIS CEDEX 16, France, Tel. +33-1-
45248200, Fax: +33-1-49104276, E-Mail: