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(last updated 1 Oct 2018)
Requires Firefox 3.5, Internet Explorer 9, or higher. JavaScript must be enabled.
For optional graphical output, the browser must be HTML 5-capable.
The Calculator is based on portions of the ACTLITE code by K. F. Eckerman (1999).
The hair model is adapted from W. B. Li (2009).
For educational purposes only. No warranty.
Calculate ICRP biokinetic model for uranium, enlarged by compartment for hair.
(For the standard version of the calculator, go to Uranium Biokinetics Calculator).
Enter a value into any one of the Calculator Panel fields, select the parameters and click the "Calculate" button to determine the corresponding values in the other Calculator Panel fields accordingly. HELP
Numbers can be entered in exponential notation: 5 · 10-6 = 5e-6
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