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New Uranium Mining Projects - Slovakia   flag

(last updated 18 May 2019)

General · Kurišková

> See also Issues for: Operating Mines · Decommissioning Projects · Legislation & Regulations
> See also Data for: Deposits, Proposed and Active Mines · Old Mines and Decommissioning

The following companies are performing uranium prospection and/or exploration in Slovakia: European Uranium Resources Ltd., Ultra Resources Corp. , GB Energy Ltd , GBE Exploration Pty Ltd , Crown Energy s.r.o. , Koral s.r.o. , Central European Metals s.r.o.

Uranium mining in Slovakia is opposed by Greenpeace Slovakia , Friends of the Earth Slovakia , Sosna and Brečtan.
> See also: Uranium Košice Stop (english) · Urán Košice STOP (slovak)



Two new initiatives for a state-wide ban on uranium mining in Slovakia

Continuing protests of local people against a proposed plan to mine and process uranium in the Jahodná-Kurišková recreational area in the closest neighbourhoods of the city of Košice have recently led to two initiatives aiming at banning uranium mining at the national level.
On 25 April 2014, Ivan Štefanec and Viliam Novotný, opposition MPs representing the SDKU-DS (Slovak Democratic and Christian Union) party, delivered to the National Council of the Slovak Republic (the Slovak national parliament) their proposal for a law that would establish an absolute ban of mining radioactive minerals in Slovakia. The proposed law admits only one exception: if uranium mining gets an approval from local people in a referendum. The National Council should discuss the proposal at its currently ongoing meeting that started the previous week and shall resume on 27 May 2014.
Unrelated to the above opposition proposal, on 16 May 2014 the Minister of Environment Peter Žiga in co-operation with the mayor of Košice Richard Raši (both members of SMER-SD, the currently ruling party in Slovakia) have announced their own initiative. According to the words of P. Žiga, they want to impose a general uranium mining ban in the whole territory of the Slovak republic by a law. Similarly as the law proposed by the opposition MPs, according to the proposal of the Ministry of Environment, the only exception to the ban shall be the case when in referendums that shall become compulsory in all the affected communities the majority of local inhabitants would explicitly declare that they do want uranium mining to take place near their homes. Mayor of Košice R. Raši said that even if a single one of the affected communities doesn't say a "yes" to uranium mining, according to the law it will be sufficient to stop any uranium mining plan, adding that he personally believes that all the people of Košice and all the affected communities would say a resolute "no" to uranium mining in the city, shall any company attempt it.
Even though this is not the first time when a country-wide uranium mining ban is going to be discussed in Slovak parliament (a similar law has already been proposed by opposition MPs in 2009, but it didn't get enough votes), the situation is unique as now both the government and the opposition seem to be willing to approve the law. Besides, the citizens of Slovakia will now watch the voting in parliament more closely than in 2009. (Uran Košice Stop May 19, 2014)
The latter proposal was approved by the Slovak government on May 21 and by the Slovak parliament on June 3. It was signed by president Gašparovič on June 11. According to the law, uranium mining in Slovakia will be banned effective June 15 - unless it gets approval in referendums taking place in all affected municipalities. (Uran Košice Stop / TASR June 3, 2014 / SITA June 11, 2014)

Slovak Ministry of Environment wants to reverse the strengthening of the legal position of local authorities opposing uranium mining projects

On Feb. 15, 2013, the Ministry of Environment has published a draft law amending the Geological Act.
"Very simply put, the new geological law submitted by the Ministry of Environment now wants to withdraw the powers granted by law to give the affected villages and towns the right to reject an application for the determination of uranium exploration areas. Municipalities and higher territorial units today may refuse statement exploratory area for radioactive minerals, if the proposed activity is inconsistent with the objectives and priorities of the economic and social development or binding of the approved development plans of municipalities and autonomous regions. The proposal of the ministry is definitely a step in the wrong direction," said the activists' lawyer JUDr. Jozech Šuchta.
Comments have to be submitted by March 7, 2013. (Greenpeace Slovakia Mar. 1, 2013)
> See also: Campaign for signatures against the proposed amendment of the Geological Act (in Slovak)

Slovak parliament strengthens legal position of local authorities opposing uranium mining projects

On March 3, 2010, the Slovak parliament, in response to a petition against uranium mining signed by over 113,000 people, finally agreed on legal changes in the geological and mining laws. The legal changes are giving local communities, municipal and regional authorities more information access and powers to stop or limit exploration of uranium deposits and to stop proposed uranium mining. This is a significant empowerment of local and regional authorities in the mining permitting process. All 41 municipal authorities influenced by proposed uranium mining already have declared that they do not agree with proposed uranium mining in their territories. (Greenpeace Slovakia Mar. 4, 2010)

100,000 signatures for petition against uranium mining in Slovakia

Representatives of four environmental organizations reported in Košice today that the number of signatures collected for the petition "Stop Uranium" exceeded the statutory limit of 100,000. (Greenpeace Slovakia Sep. 4, 2009)

On Sep. 23, 2009, representatives of four environmental non-governmental organizations (Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, OZ Sosna and OZ Brečtan) handed 113,488 signatures over to the National Council of the Slovak Republic. (Greenpeace Slovakia Sep. 23, 2009)

Parliament is expected to deal with a petition against uranium mining, the spokesperson for Greenpeace in Slovakia, Lucia Szabová, told the TASR newswire on Monday, November 2. "As the verification of signatures in Parliament confirmed that the petition was supported by more than 100,000 Slovak citizens, it will be included in the December parliamentary session and the committees' programme," said Szabová. "The petition against the planned uranium mining is the biggest environmental petition in Slovak history," said the director of Greenpeace in Slovakia, Juraj Rizman, adding that it is also the first case in which Slovak environmental organisations have been able to have their issues discussed by Parliament. In addition to 113,000 citizens, the petition has also been supported by 41 local authorities from areas between Nové Mesto nad Váhom in Trencín Region and Zemplín in Košice Region. (Slovak Spectator Nov. 3, 2009)

92,000 signatures against uranium mining in Slovakia

A petition "Stop uranium mining in Slovakia" is now backed by more than 92,000 people. In the Trenčín region, where uranium mining is planned near Selec, Kálnica, and Hôrka nad Váhom, most towns and cities expressed their opposition to the project. (Green Party of Slovakia, April 17, 2009)

Winegrowers of Tokay oppose uranium exploration

The association of wine growers has launched a petition for saving the Tokay region for wine growing. The petition reacts on three industrial developments in the area: uranium exploration by Crown Energy, building of a coal power plant, and perlite mining. (Pravda Feb. 5, 2008)


Kurišková (Jahodná) project

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Regional Court upholds Ministry's rejection of further uranium exploration at Kurišková site: The Bratislava Regional Court dismissed Ludovika Energy's action to review the legality of the decision of the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic (MŽP) seeking the determination of the exploration area Kamenné in the recreational area of Jahodná pri Košiciach. According to the Court, the action is unfounded. (Košice Korzár May 17, 2019)

Exploration company offers to withdraw legal action against the state, if it agrees to purchase the data and drill cores gathered at Kurišková: [Ludovika Energy] leads several claims against the state for tens of millions of euros. A few days ago, however, [the company] came up with an offer for the Department of the Environment to buy primary data from a geological survey of uranium-molybdenum deposits. The results of the survey, the material documentation (drilling core) or the company's rare results of aviation measurement of natural radioactivity could be in full control of the state in case of redemption. According to Ludovika, it should be a fraction of the price of the original investment. It did not want to specify the amount.
At the same time, the company commits to withdraw actions that are active against the Slovak Republic and will not continue to seek exploration in the localities concerned. (Košice Korzár July 7, 2018)

Slovak Supreme Court upholds Ministry's rejection of further uranium exploration at Kurišková site: The Supreme Court of the Slovak Republic definitively decided not to extend the geological uranium survey in Košice. It ended the trial and confirmed the legality of the decision of the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic. This was announced on Wednesday (Jan. 31) by the Public Relations Office of the Supreme Court. (Košice Korzár Jan. 31, 2018)

Ministry resigns from Memorandum of Understanding on Kurišková uranium mining project: The Ministry of Economy (MH) resigned from the Memorandum of Understanding in the Energy Sector with European Uranium Resources from the end of 2012. This was announced on Tuesday (Jan. 23) by the head of the MH SR Peter Žiga after meeting with Mayor of Košice Richard Raši (both Smer-SD). (Košice Korzár Jan. 23, 2018)

Ministry rejects further proposal for exploration at Kurišková: Ludovika Energy has failed to resume its proposal to determine the exploration area in the recreational area of Jahodná near Košice. At the end of June, the Ministry of the Environment (MoE) stopped the administrative proceedings, given that a similar proposal had already been rejected by the ministry in its entirety. (Košice Korzár July 19, 2017)

Minister confirms rejection of further exploration at Kurišková: A few days ago, the Environment Minister confirmed the first instance verdict of the ministry issued end of October 2016 rejecting Ludovika Energy's application to identify a new exploration area in the area Jahodná-Kurišková and against which the uranium company appealed in November. (Slovak Union of Nature and Landscape SZOPK Košice Feb. 23, 2017, Košice Korzár Feb. 24, 2017)

Company appeals Ministry's "final" rejection of further exploration at Kurišková: Ludovika Energy appealed against the decision of the Ministry of Environment to finally reject its application to identify a new exploration area for Rare Earth Elements in the Jahodná-Kurišková area. (Košice Korzár Nov. 28, 2016)

Ministry of Environment finally halts further exploration at Kurišková: The Ministry of Environment finally rejected Ludovika Energy's application to identify a new exploration area for Rare Earth Elements in the Jahodná-Kurišková area. (Košice Korzár/Slovak Union of Nature and Landscape Nov. 16, 2016)

Regional Court upholds Ministry's denial of license renewal for exploration of Kurišková uranium deposit: The Regional Court in Bratislava dismissed the lawsuit of the Ludovika Energy company against the Environment Ministry on June 9.
The ministry has not prolonged the licence for geological research area in Košice suburb holiday resort Cermel - Jahodná for uranium-molybdenum and copper ores until 2025. The regional court this time ruled as the first-instance court, therefore, both sides can appeal the verdict with the Supreme Court. (Slovak Spectator June 9, 2016)

European Uranium Resources Ltd. exits Kurišková uranium mine project: On October 19, 2015, European Uranium Resources Ltd. transferred its 100% interest in Ludovika Energy s.r.o. "to an unrelated third party".
According to the Slovak Business Register (Nov. 26, 2015), this is RNDr. Dušan Obernauer, CSc. from Bratislava.
On May 30, 2016, European Uranium Resources Ltd. announced a name change to Azarga Metals Corp.

Forte Energy terminates involvement in Kurišková and Novoveská Huta uranium mine projects: On Oct. 2, 2015, Forte Energy NL announced that it has decided to terminate the partnership agreement entered into on 31 July 2014 with European Uranium Resources Ltd. As a result, Forte has voluntarily forfeited its 50% beneficial interest in Ludovika Energy s.r.o and in Ludovika Mining s.r.o, the Slovak entities that held the Kurišková and Novoveská Huta uranium projects in Slovakia.

Ministry denies request for exploration licence for REE rather than uranium at Kurišková: The ministry of environment refused Ludovika Energy's application for an exploration licence for Rare Earth Elements in the Jahodná-Kurišková area. The main reason stated for the refusal is that the company didn't send to the ministry a report from their previous exploration done at Kurišková and Novoveská Huta, which according to the Slovak Geological Law, is a pre-condition of granting any new licence. (Košice Korzár July 6, 2015)

Forte Energy files court proceedings seeking compensation for denial of license renewal for exploration of Kurišková uranium deposit: On June 25, 2015, Forte Energy announced "that lawyers acting on behalf of Ludovika Energy s.r.o., the company that held the exploration license where the Kurišková uranium deposit is located, have filed court proceedings against the Ministry of Environment in Slovakia, in respect to its decision not to grant the extension of the uranium permits. [...] If successful in the proceedings, it is the view of the Company's advisors that Ludovika would be entitled to compensation." (Forte Energy June 25, 2015)

After Ministry's denial of renewal of Kurišková exploration licence, company now applies for new exploration licence: The Slovak operating entity, Ludovika Energy, has filed for a new exploration licence overprinting the Kurišková deposit area in Slovakia. The current exploration licence on the project has been valid for 10 years and will expire on 19 April 2015. (Forte Energy Apr. 16, 2015)

Ministry denies license renewal for exploration of Kurišková uranium deposit: The Ministry of Environment rejected the request of Ludovika Energy to continue exploration in Jahodná beyond the expiration of the current licence in April 2015. The decision may be appealed within 15 days of receipt. (Košice Korzár Feb. 13, 2015)

Company requests extension of exploration licence for Kurišková uranium deposit to rare earth metals - to avoid referendum?: The company Ludovika Energy on Tuesday (Dec. 2) announced that it is going in the coming weeks to ask the Ministry of Environment for an extension of the exploration license at the Kurišková site in the recreation area of Jahodná. The current license expires in April 2015. The company requires another 10 years to complete the exploration works.
In addition, the company wants the license to be extended for the exploration of rare earth metals that are also found in the uranium deposit. The company claims that this request is not meant to circumvent a local referendum that would be mandatory if the deposit were to be mined for uranium. (Košice Korzár Dec. 2, 2014)

Protests continue against proposed Kurišková uranium mine: On Apr. 6, 2014, around seventy people attended a protest rally in Košice against the uranium mine project. (Webnoviny Apr. 6, 2014)

Australian explorer to acquire Kurišková uranium deposit: On Apr. 4, 2014, European Uranium Resources Ltd. announced that it has entered into a binding heads of agreement for the sale of its Kurišková and Novoveská Huta Deposit, Slovakia uranium projects to Forte Energy NL.
However, on June 13, 2014, the proposed sale did not get the approval of the shareholders of European Uranium Resources Ltd.
On June 16, 2014, both companies announced that Forte Energy NL rather will acquire a 50% share of European Uranium Resources' subsidiaires holding its Slovak projects.

300 protest against proposed Kurišková uranium mine: On March 26, 2014, some 300 people protested in Košice against the uranium mine project. (Urán Košice STOP Mar. 26, 2014)

Košice Region Council calls government to withdraw from MoU on development of Kurišková uranium mine: On 24 Feb 2014, the Košice Self-governing Region Council encouraged Economy Minister Thomáš Malatinský to withdraw from the Memorandum of Understanding concluded with the Canadian company European Uranium Resources in December 2012. (Košice Korzár Feb. 28, 2014)

Košice City Council calls government to withdraw from MoU on development of Kurišková uranium mine: On 10 Feb 2014 the Košice City Council City adopted a resolution, which calls on the Minister of Economy Thomáš Malatinský to withdraw from the Memorandum of Understanding signed in December 2012 with the Canadian company European Uranium Resources. (Košice Korzár Feb. 11, 2014)

Renewal of Kurišková exploration licence approved despite opposition: On Jan. 10, 2014, Environment Minister Peter Žiga issued the decision to agree to the exploration of uranium ore in the Košice recreation area Jahodná - despite considerable public opposition, despite the fundamental opposition of all the municipalities except Košice Bela. The period of exploration will be extended to 19 April 2015, according to Žiga. (Urán Košice STOP Jan. 11, 2014, Webnoviny.sk Jan. 9, 2014)

Renewal of Kurišková exploration licence cancelled: The minister of environment Peter Žiga has cancelled the previous decision in favour of the Ludovika Energy mining company (a subsidiary of European Uranium Resources Ltd.) that prolonged their licence for geological exploration of the area and has returned the matter to the ministry office to be reconsidered and decided anew. By doing so he has fully complied with the protest of the General Prosecutor's Office against the previous decision. (SZOPK Aug. 15, 2013)
On Aug. 22, 2013, Ludovika Energy s.r.o. announced that it has filed an appeal against the decision of the Minister of Environment.

Košice Region incorporates uranium mining ban in zoning plan for Kurišková mine project site: The deputies of the Košice Region (KSK) approved the incorporation of regulations for a binding ban on mining of radioactive minerals in the land development plan for the exploration area Čermeľ - Jahodná. After many statements without legal force, it will be the first legal obstacle to the mining of radioactive minerals. (SZOPK Apr. 30, 2013)

Košice city council confirms opposition to proposed Kurišková uranium mine: The Košice City Council on Monday (Apr. 15) adopted a resolution regarding the mining and processing of uranium in the area Jahodná-Kurišková. The city's resolution confirmed its previous refusal of the mining plan, adopted back in 2006. (SITA Apr. 15, 2013)

200 protest against proposed Kurišková uranium mine: On Wednesday night (Mar. 7) around two hundred participants gathered in Košice to protest against the proposed uranium mining in Kurišková - Jahodná. (SITA Mar. 7, 2013)

Protest against proposed Kurišková uranium mine, again: Around 50 people gathered in Košice on Monday, February 25, before a session of the Košice Region (KSK) council to express their disagreement with potential uranium mining in Jahodná where extensive deposits have been discovered.
"We're calling on the KSK council to adopt a resolution that would confirm an unchanged negative stance on uranium mining, to use its right to interrupt and prevent ongoing step-by-step activities [in preparation for mining] and to adopt a resolution on a 50-year moratorium on mining radioactive minerals on KSK territory," said protest organizer Ladislav Rovinský as quoted by the TASR newswire. (Slovak Spectator Feb. 26, 2013)

Mining company slanders environmentalist as "pseudo-activist": On Feb. 24, 2013, Ludovika Energy s.r.o, subsidiary of Canada-based European Uranium Resources Ltd, called Slovak environmentalist Ladislav Rovinský a "pseudo-activist" for raising concerns on the possible environmental impacts of the company's proposed Kurišková uranium mine. While the company currently investigates the extraordinary approach to process the ore underground to minimize the environmental impact of the mine, it still remains to be seen, whether this approach will actually be taken, given the current uranium market depression. Anyway, the environmental impact of the project can only be assessed, once an Environmental Impact Statement has been elaborated, which takes years to complete.
[It remains unclear, what exactly the company means with the term "pseudo-activist" - an acivist who isn't active? But apparently they made this statement just because he was active! The only pseudo element that can be discovered here, is the recently changed name of the parent company - concealing the Canadian roots of the company...]

Protest against proposed Kurišková uranium mine: About fifty people came to protest today at the Košice city council meeting against the plan to mine uranium at the Kurišková Jahodná site. Košice Mayor Richard Raši assured the protesters that if the public is against uranium mining, it will not take place. (SITA Feb. 11, 2013)

On Dec. 20, 2012, European Uranium Resources Ltd. announced that it signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Slovak Ministry of Economy on the development of the Kurišková uranium deposit.
On Jan. 10, 2013, Greenpeace Slovakia considered the MoU misplaced: "We believe that the risks of uranium mining, to be borne by the citizens of Slovakia, our regions, the environment and most likely the public finances, far outweigh the potential benefits to the state. And certainly we should not risk public health, drinking water quality, agricultural land and the wealth of Slovak nature for the profit of foreign investors," said Director of Greenpeace Slovakia Juraj Rizman.

On Mar. 1, 2012, Tournigan Energy Ltd. changed its name to European Uranium Resources Ltd.

A positive Preliminary Feasibility Study (PFS) for the Kurišková uranium/molybdenum mine project was announced on Jan. 30, 2012, and actually released on March 13, 2012. The PFS states that the project would be best developed as an underground mine using conventional mining and processing methods. The project would be designed with an underground processing facility. As a result of the mining and processing facilities being underground, the project can be developed with a very small surface footprint (4.8 hectares). Leached tailings from the plant will be combined with cement and deposited underground as paste backfill for the mine or placed in underground excavations.
> Calculate mine feasibility

On Jan. 4, 2012, Tournigan announced that, on closing a private placement, Areva now owns 6.9% of the issued common shares of Tournigan.

Tournigan will enter into a Technical Services Agreement with Areva to perform a work program comprising metallurgical and environmental test work to be part of the Kurišková feasibility study.
Tournigan expects its prefeasibility study on the Kurišková deposit, being prepared by Tetra Tech, Inc. of Golden, Colorado, to be completed early in 2012 and plans to begin work on the feasibility study shortly thereafter. (Tournigan Dec. 7, 2011)

According to information obtained by Greenpeace Slovakia, Tournigan plans to start the licensing process for the Kurišková uranium mine project in the second half of 2010, after completion of the preliminary feasibility study. (Greenpeace Slovakia Mar. 1, 2010)

On Oct. 19, 2009, Tournigan Energy Ltd. announced that it has awarded Tetra Tech, Inc. of Golden, Colorado a contract for the preparation of an NI 43-101 compliant prefeasibility study of the Kurišková uranium deposit in eastern Slovakia. The work will begin immediately with its results expected to be completed in the first half of 2010.

On Oct. 1, 2009, Tournigan announced that drilling has resumed on its Kurišková uranium deposit. The initial drill program will comprise about 5,000 metres of step-out and infill drilling intended to expand and upgrade the Kurišková uranium resource.

On June 25, 2009, Tournigan announced the receipt of a positive Preliminary Assessment on its Kuriškova uranium deposit. However, compared to the 2006 Economic Study, mining cost has increased more than threefold.

On May 28, 2009, the City of Košice and the Košice self-governing region (KSK) announced to take joint action to prevent the possible mining of uranium at Jahodná - Kurišková: they want to achieve the revocation of the status of a "protected deposit". Currently, exploration work is done there by Ludovika Energy, a subsidiary of the Canadian company Tournigan. (SITA May 28, 2009)

On March 17, 2009, Tournigan Energy Ltd. announced that the company has commissioned an NI 43-101 compliant preliminary assessment (scoping study) of its Kurišková uranium deposit in eastern Slovakia. The work is to commence immediately with its results expected to be completed by June 2009.

> See also: Slovak NGOs file complaint with EC over reductions of their role

On February 2, 2007, Greenpeace held a protest action against the Jahodná uranium mine project at the Tournigan Gold Corp. annual meeting in Vancouver.
> View details (in Slovak)

On November 2, 2006, Greenpeace handed the first 16,000 signatures for a petition against uranium mining in Slovakia over to the Ministry of Environment.

On October 14, 2006, the city council of Košice adopted a resolution against uranium mining.

On April 27, 2006, Tournigan Gold Corporation announced that it had received a positive Economic Study for the Jahodná uranium deposit.


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