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(last updated 23 Oct 2017)


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> see also: current news

November 5, 2012: Ongoing study investigates possible link between uranium contamination at former Riverton uranium mill site and high cancer rates on Wind River Indian Reservation (Wyoming)

October 31, 2012: Study expects no impacts from Churchrock uranium in situ leach mine project on Navajo water supply (New Mexico)

October 23, 2012: Aboriginal land councils may apply for uranium exploration permits to avoid uranium mining (New South Wales, Australia)

October 17, 2012: James Bay Cree Nation disappointed at approval for underground exploration of Matoush project in spite of moratorium (Québec)

August 28, 2012: Traditional owner opposes Yeelirrie development (Western Australia)

March 21, 2012: Moroccan state-owned company continues to market uranium potential of occupied Western Sahara

March 8, 2012: Labrador Inuit enact legislation to lift moratorium on uranium mining

March 1, 2012: ERA and Traditional Owners agree on water study at Ranger mine and on decommissioning of interim water management pond at Jabiluka (Australia)

February 22, 2012: Aboriginal elder challenges Olympic Dam mine expansion in Federal Court (South Australia)

December 14, 2011: Labrador's Inuit government votes to lift moratorium on uranium mining (Canada)

November 28, 2011: Nunavut Inuit charge royalties on resources extracted from their lands

August 16, 2011: Traditional owners split over Arkaroola mining ban (South Australia)

April 8, 2011: Traditional Aboriginal land owners pressure ERA to shut down Ranger mine in view of water management problems (Australia)

April 7, 2011: Traditional Owners want Jabiluka deposit to remain undeveloped and the site to be incorporated into Kakadu National Park (Australia)

February 1, 2011: Doctors and Métis demand moratorium for uranium exploration in Gaspé peninsula (Québec)

November 23, 2010: Mistissini Cree nation opposes Matoush uranium exploration project on its territory (Québec)

September 13, 2010: U.S. EPA settlements require investigation of uranium contamination on Southwestern tribal lands (Arizona/New Mexico)

September 7, 2010: Uranium exploration in Papua could harm indigenous population (Indonesia)

August 26, 2010: University of New Mexico studies uranium exposure in Navajo mothers and infants

August 24, 2010: Traditional Owners of Ranger uranium mine site oppose mine expansion project (Australia)

August 16, 2010: Traditional owners 'pressured' into nuclear land leases (Australia)

August 9, 2010: U.S. NRC board grants hearing requests of Oglala Sioux Tribe and other petitioners on proposed Dewey-Burdock uranium mine (South Dakota)

July 9, 2009: Innus oppose uranium exploration at lac Kachiwiss; environmental violations found at exploration site (Québec)

May 19, 2009: Tribal villagers protest against land acquisition for Banduhurang tailings dam (Jharkhand, India)

May 4, 2009: Olympic Dam expansion EIS rejected by the Maduwonga people (Australia)

April 24, 2009: Traditional Owners oppose extension of Ranger mine operation beyond 2021 (Australia)

March 3, 2009: 16 uranium exploration licenses granted on Bushman land since evictions (Botswana)

January 9, 2008: Traditional heads oppose uranium mining in Meghalaya (India)

December 13, 2007: Nova Scotia native leader calls for permanent ban on uranium mining

December 2, 2007: Contaminated groundwater from radioactive waste dump near Tuba City migrating towards Hopi drinking water spring (Arizona)

November 9, 2007: Tribal judge excludes uranium company from Pine Ridge reservation (South Dakota)

November 9, 2007: Navajo Nation demands federal moratorium on uranium mining

October 23, 2007: U.S. House Committee appalled at federal agencies' incompetence to deal with mess left from Cold War era uranium mining on Navajo land

October 19, 2007: Ontario Algonquins suspend uranium site occupation

October 18, 2007: Labrador Inuit ponder ban on uranium mining

October 1, 2007: Judge orders Algonquins to leave uranium exploration site immediately (Ontario)

September 18, 2007: Inuit organization reverses ban on uranium mining on Inuit-owned land (Nunavut)

August 28, 2007: Judge orders Algonquins to leave uranium exploration site (Ontario)

August 22, 2007: Aboriginal groups living near proposed Michelin uranium mine site in northern Labrador raise concerns about project impacts

July 25, 2007: Aboriginal group to seek stakes in Western Australia uranium projects

July 18, 2007: Ontario Algonquins reject financial "compensation" offer from uranium company

July 13, 2007: Traditional Owner says No to mining of Koongarra uranium deposit in Kakadu park (Australia)

July 8, 2007: Algonquin First Nation protests against uranium exploration in Northern Frontenac County in eastern Ontario

July 7, 2007: Chinese uranium prospector captured in Niger by Tuareg rebels

July 5, 2007: Niger rebels attack power plant in uranium mining area

July 3, 2007: Tribal organisation demands stop of mining in Nalgonda (Andhra Pradesh, India)

June 21, 2007: All Indian Pueblo Council adopts resolution against uranium mining in the Mt. Taylor area (New Mexico)

June 13, 2007: Majority at public hearing says no to uranium mining in Meghalaya (India)

May 17, 2007: One-man 'occupation' of Slim Buttes protests slow clean-up of old uranium mines (South Dakota)

May 8, 2007: Review Board recommends rejection of uranium exploration at Screech Lake property for cultural impacts (Northwest Territories, Canada)

May 5, 2007: UCIL seeks police help as displaced people disrupt mining at Bandugurang uranium mine project (Jharkhand)

April 24, 2007: Protests against HRI's Crownpoint uranium mine project held at public hearing (New Mexico)

April 20, 2007: One person killed and several wounded in raid at Imouraren uranium prospection camp (Niger)

March 29, 2007: Lawsuit challenges uranium exploration permit in Black Hills (South Dakota)

February 12, 2007: Navajos file petition against uranium in-situ leach mining in Churchrock/Crownpoint, New Mexico

December 21, 2006: Black Lake Denesuline First Nation options reserve lands to CanAlaska Uranium Ltd for uranium exploration (Saskatchewan)

November 29, 2006: Fond Du Lac Denesuline First Nation options reserve lands to CanAlaska Uranium Ltd for uranium exploration (Saskatchewan)

November 23, 2006: Inuit organization ready to give uranium mining another chance (Nunavut)

November 23, 2006: Lutselk'e Dene First Nation remains opposed to uranium mining (Northwest Territories)

November 23, 2006: Study finds almost doubled cancer rate among Aborigines near Ranger mine (Australia)

August 2001: Aerial survey of abandoned uranium mines identifies excess radiation areas in Navajo Indian Reservation (Arizona)

July 25, 2001: U.S. Congress' plans to subsidize uranium in-situ leach industry affect Navajo

December 26, 2000: Navajo Tribe urges cleanup for radioactive homes (Arizona)

February 11, 2000: Government and Ute sign agreement to relocate Atlas tailings (Utah)

May 3, 1999: U.S. Supreme Court says federal courts, not Indian tribal courts, must decide cases re impacts of former uranium mines to Navajo communities

On January 15, 1998, the European Parliament adopted an urgency resolution in favour of indigenous peoples concerned from uranium mining, and against the Jabiluka project in Australia, in particular.

Swedish Greens launch motion for Global Justice - Indigenous Peoples and Uranium Mining in Parliament.

July 24, 1997: U.S. Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals affirms: Navajo Tribal Court can hear claims against former Kerr-McGee uranium mill


Australian Senate Select Committee on Uranium Mining and Milling Report , May 1997
(view report's chapter 5 and the following research paper)

Transcripts of the Australian Senate Select Committee on Uranium Mining and Milling Hearings (1996/1997)

Indigenous Peoples Uranium Speaking Tour in Europe - Fall 1997 (For Mother Earth International)

Uranium Mining Plan Splits Navajo Communities in New Mexico

The Uranium Industry and Indigenous Peoples of North America (217k PDF)
Four Directions Council statement to UN Commission on Human Rights, reviewing the health dangers and locations of uranium mining.

Arizona's Havasupai and uranium mining in the Grand Canyon

Havasupai Fight To Save Grand Canyon From Uranium Mining

Navajo Uranium Radiation Victims (Kerry Richardson)

Report on the 4th Indigenous Uranium Forum (Kerry Richardson)

Navajo Uranium Miners fight for Compensation (Timothy Benally)

Compensation of Navajo Uranium Miners

Impacts of Jaduguda uranium mine on Bihar indigenous people (India)

The World Uranium Hearing : Testimonies - Lectures - Conclusions


Nuclear and Toxic Waste, and Mining Links - Native Americans and the Environment

Dineh Alliance

Diné CARE (Citizens Against Ruining our Environment): Uranium Radiation in the Diné Bikeyah


Bibliography: Toxic and Nuclear Wastes - Dumping on Native American Reservations

> See also: Bibliography · Deutschsprachige Literatur zu Uranabbau International

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