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(last updated 7 Feb 2025)
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> See also: Decommissioning Data - USA
"In 2020, all job groups have an increased TEDE in comparison to 2018 and 2019 as a result of an increase in radon daughters. This was attributed to tanks in the PWT [Pond Water Treatment] area, which has had water added to reduce radon and radon daughter levels in September - October 2020. Review of the radon daughter levels in Pond Water Treatment and the Plant average indicate that this may not have provided the reduction anticipated. It is recommended that radon daughter level trends be continually reviewed over the next year to confirm that the levels have returned to the expected range and to provide additional remedial actions if it has not. However, since very little time is spent in the PWT area by workers, the dose increase as a result of the increased radon daughters in the area is likely an overestimate, and actual doses are probably more comparable to previous years.
Overall, the average TEDE increased from 2018 and 2019, from 0.067 rem [0.67 mSv] and 0.083 rem [0.83 mSv] respectively, to 0.135 rem [1.35 mSv] for 2020." [emphasis added]
> Download: ALARA Audit Report for 2020, Crow Butte Operations (13.7MB PDF)
On Mar. 4, 2021, NRC approved the requested license amendment for an alternate decommissioning (groundwater restoration) schedule for the Crow Butte Project.
> Download: Crow Butte Project, Alternate Decommissioning Schedule, Amendment no. 5 , Mar. 4, 2020
> View operational issues
> See: old issues
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> Power Resources, Inc.
> See also: Highland ISL operational issues
Maximum Concentration Value (10 CFR 40 App. A) | Background Concentration | Alternate Concentration Limit (proposed) | |
Arsenic and compounds, not otherwise specified | 0.05 mg/L | 0.00319 mg/L | 0.141 mg/L |
Radium-226 and radium-228 | 5 pCi/L (0.185 Bq/L) | 829.6 pCi/L (30.7 Bq/L) | 2230 pCi/L (82.5 Bq/L) |
Uranium and compounds, not otherwise specified | none | 0.225 mg/L | 6.30 mg/L |
Selenium and compounds, not otherwise specified | 0.01 mg/L | 0.0029 mg/L | 0.134 mg/L |
Determination of contaminant levels and remediation efficacy in groundwater at a former in situ recovery uranium mine, by Borch T , Roche N, Johnson TE, in: Journal of Environmental Monitoring Vol. 14, No. 7 (April 2012), p. 1814-1823
The study is based on the data published by Power Resources Inc. in "Report entitled 'A-Wellfield Ground Water Stability Report' submitted to the WDEQ in Correspondence dated March 31, 2000", available as Attachment C in Adams Acc. No. ML040300369 .
"By letter dated June 26, 2009, Cameco submitted its Mine Unit B Ground Water Restoration Report for NRC approval. The report contained supporting data and related historical documentation leading to approval of the restoration by the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (WDEQ) between 2004 and 2008.> Download Public Meeting Summary
During the acceptance review, staff observed that one monitor well appeared to remain on excursion status at the completion of groundwater restoration. Additionally, the staff identified that there appeared to be pumping activities at several perimeter and overlying monitor wells during the stability monitoring period that were not fully described in the report. By letter dated September 29, 2009, the staff did not accept it for a detailed technical review. Since that time, Cameco has re-evaluated the groundwater restoration data for Mine Unit B and has decided to pursue a request for alternate concentration limits (ACLs) in this mine unit to accompany the revised report."
a. Wellfield C was in production for approximately ten years. The approved Mine Plan states, "Once a wellfield is installed it takes approximately one to three years to recover the leachable uranium from a production area." Extending the production time period has become a routine practice and is not in compliance with the approved permit or the requirement for concurrent reclamation.
b. In addition to the production phase, Wellfield C has now been in restoration for ten years. The 2007 Annual Report states that the ground water quality is similar to "end of mining" wellfield conditions. The permit states that restoration and stability are estimated to take approximately five years. This restoration delay is not in compliance with the approved permit or the requirement for concurrent reclamation.
c. Wellfield E has removed 100% of the leachable reserves, and in recent years wellfield production has slowed to maintenance levels. This rate of production delays completion of mining and restoration of this wellfield unit. This is not in compliance with the approved permit, and is a violation of Chapter 2, Section 2(b)(ii) which requires coordination of the Mine and Reclamation Plans to facilitate orderly development and reclamation.
d. The timetable listing the schedule of mining-related activities in the permit (Figure A, page OP-3A) and the timetable provided in the 2007 annual report both indicate that PRI is not in compliance with their restoration schedules for Wellfields C, D, and E. The schedule shows that Wellfield C should be decommissioning instead of in restoration, and that Wellfields D and E should be in restoration instead of production.
> Download Notice of Violation, March 10, 2008 (ADAMS Acc. No. ML080840311)
> See also Smith Ranch operational issues
"The Land Quality Division has reviewed the fate and transport modeling conducted by PRI and concurs that the modeling indicates natural attenuation will prevent the groundwater within the wellfield from endangering (with an exceedance of EPA's MCL's) the class of use of the adjacent groundwater. [...]"DEQ LQD determined
"[...] that although the groundwater has not been returned to baseline conditions, the groundwater quality is consistent with the pre-discharge use suitability of the water (Class IV(A) suitable for industry). [...]By letter dated Jan. 15, 2004, PRI requested NRC to concur with the Wyoming DEQ determinations.
However, because the groundwater conditions differ from the background water quality and because of the reliance on natural attenuation for the protection of adjacent groundwater monitoring will be required to substantiate the model predictions."
The A-Wellfield 20-Sand Production Zone was mined using the In Situ Leach (ISL) mining method from January 1988 until July 1991. PRI then completed groundwater restoration from July 1991 to October 1998.
WY DEQ Permit No. 478
NRC License No. SUA-1341
NRC Docket No.
> View site info
> See also Operational issues for Christensen Ranch / Irigaray
On March 5, 2008, Cogema Mining Inc. submitted the Wellfield restoration report for Mine Units 2-6 of its Christensen Ranch uranium in-situ leach mine in Wyoming.
Constituents that exceeded Target Restoration Values (TRVs) and either WDEQ or EPA standards in at least one Mine Unit were iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), selenium (Se), total dissolved solids (TDS), uranium (U) and radium-226 (Ra-226). The uranium values are listed below.
According to Cogema, groundwater within the production zone has been restored to the pre-mining class of use and the groundwater restoration meets the requirements for unconditional restoration approval by WDEQ and NRC.
Mine Unit | Post Restoration Wellfield Average | TRV | EPA MCL |
2 | 0.36 | 0.034 | 0.03 |
3 | 0.116 | 0.376 | 0.03 |
4 | 3.83 | 0.23 | 0.03 |
5 | 2.05 | 0.076 | 0.03 |
6 | 1.18 | 0.06 | 0.03 |
Mine Unit | TRV | EPA MCL |
2 | 11 x | 12 x |
3 | - | 4 x |
4 | 17 x | 128 x |
5 | 27 x | 68 x |
6 | 20 x | 39 x |
> Downloads:
ML081060131 (44.6 MB PDF):
"COGEMA has not restored ground water to primary, or background, standards. However, because of the restoration efforts made by COGEMA and the use of best practicable technology, the NRC considers the WDEQ secondary restoration standards and the NRC premining use category as the applicable restoration standards in lieu of the primary goal of restoration in LC 10.16. The WDEQ class-of-use standards (NRC premining use standards) have been met and approved by WDEQ, and the NRC concurs with this approval. Therefore, the NRC concludes that ground-water restoration to the premining use category in LC 10.16 is complete in COGEMA Irigaray Mine production units 1 through 9 and that wellfield decommissioning can commence."
"SUMMARY: [...] Today's approval of this new aquifer exemption will allow COGEMA to use the newly permitted Class I injection wells to inject ground water restoration waste fluids from the Wasatch Formation into the Lance Formation. As a result of this increased disposal capacity, COGEMA will be able to restore the Wasatch ground water more quickly and pump and treat less ground water. The rate of pumping out of the Wasatch will prevent any negative impact to the adjacent portions of this USDW. [...]"
> See also Federal Register January 30, 2001 (Vol.66, No.20) p.8234-8236 (download full text)
"SUMMARY: The U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) proposes to amend NRC Source Material License SUA-1341 to authorize the licensee, COGEMA Mining Incorporated (COGEMA) to conduct surface (land and structures) decommissioning according to the submitted plan.A request for a hearing must be filed within 30 days from January 4, 2002.
An Environmental Assessment (EA) was performed by the NRC staff in support of its review of COGEMA's license amendment request, in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR part 51. The conclusion of the Environmental Assessment is a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the proposed licensing action."
> Download Groundwater restoration at uranium in-situ recovery mines, south Texas coastal plain , by Susan Hall, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2009–1143, 2009, 32 p.
> Download B.K. Darling's Report on Findings Related to the Restoration of In Situ Uranium Mines in South Texas , Sep. 29, 2008 (ALTURA)
An examination of 32 permits from closed South Texas in-situ leach mines showed that in each case, companies were permitted to leave behind minerals such as uranium, molybdenum and selenium at higher levels in groundwater than were listed in the original permit. In some cases, companies were able to meet the restoration target for one mineral but reported 10- and 20-fold increases in others. Older mines tended to require more drastic permit amendments than mines started later. (Corpus Christi Caller-Times, Nov. 5, 2006)
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"HAZARDOUS WASTE PERMITS: USX - Texas Uranium Operations (USX) for a production area authorization (PAA) restoration table amendment (RTA) to Burns/Moser Mine Production Area Number 2, Authorization Number UR01890-021, which would change ground-water constituent concentrations that are to be met by the permittee (USX) to achieve successful restoration of the site's mined aquifer in PAA 2. The proposed amendment would change restoration table concentration values for calcium, magnesium, potassium, bicarbonate, sulfate, nitrate, alkalinity, manganese, molybdenum, selenium, uranium, and ammonia. Furthermore, a restoration table concentration value for radium has been added to complete the restoration table in the original PAA issued for Production Area Number 2 on October 12, 1982." [...]
"Uranium mining took place at Burns/Moser Mine Production Area Number 2 from May 1979 to June 1986, after which ground-water restoration of the ore-bearing aquifer began. Since restoration efforts were initiated, approximately 1.633 billion gallons" [6.181 million cubic meters] "of aquifer water have been removed during the restoration process. Under 30 Texas Administrative Code §331.107(f), the permittee has the option to request an amendment to the PAA Restoration Table, provided that, among other things, an appropriate effort has been made to achieve the permit restoration table values. The Executive Director has prepared a final draft PAA to address USX's RTA request. The Burns/Moser Mine site lies in the south central portion of Live Oak County, approximately ten miles southwest of George West, Texas adjacent to U.S. Highway 59." (TNRCC Items Signed by Executive Director 18 December 1998 - emphasis added)
"HAZARDOUS WASTE PERMITS: USX - Texas Uranium Operations (USX) for a production area authorization (PAA) restoration table amendment (RTA) to Burns/Moser Mine Production Area Number 3, Authorization Number UR01890-031, which would change ground-water constituent concentrations that are to be met by the permittee (USX) to achieve successful restoration of the site's mined aquifer in PAA 3. The proposed amendment would change restoration table concentration values for calcium, magnesium, potassium, bicarbonate, sulfate, total dissolved solids, alkalinity, arsenic, iron, manganese, and uranium." [...]
"Uranium mining took place at Burns/Moser Mine Production Area Number 3 from March 1980 to June 1986, after which ground-water restoration of the ore-bearing aquifer began. Since restoration efforts were initiated, approximately 409.85 million gallons" [1.551 million cubic meters] "of aquifer water have been removed during the restoration process. Under 30 Texas Administrative Code §331.107(f), the permittee has the option to request an amendment to the PAA Restoration Table, provided that, among other things, an appropriate effort has been made to achieve the permit restoration table values. The Executive Director has prepared a final draft PAA to address USX's RTA request. The Burns/Moser Mine site lies in the south central portion of Live Oak County, approximately ten miles southwest of George West,Texas adjacent to U.S. Highway 59." (TNRCC Items Signed by Executive Director 18 December 1998 - emphasis added)
"HAZARDOUS WASTE PERMITS: USX Corporation: Texas Uranium Operations (USX) for modification to Production Area Authorization (PAA) UR01890-011, Burns/Moser mine. A PAA is issued as part of the base permit (UR01890-001) to approve the initiation of mining activities. A PAA application contains monitor well locations, water quality data based on pre- mining conditions for use in establishing groundwater restoration targets, and hydrologic test data that shows connection between production wells and production zone monitor wells. The permit and PAA 1 were issued and mining began in 1980. Mining continued until 1986. Restoration, using groundwater sweep and reverse osmosis, was from 1981 to 1997.
USX is requesting amendment of the restoration table under 30 TAC §331.107(f)(2).The proposed amendment would change restoration table values specifying groundwater constituent concentrations for calcium, magnesium, potassium, bicarbonate, sulfate, arsenic, iron, manganese, selenium, ammonia, molybdenum, radium-226, uranium. These values are to be met by the permittee (USX) to achieve successful restoration of the mined aquifer in PAA 1. The proposed values will not change the use category of the water. The average water quality present before mining exceeded the TNRCC and EPA primary drinking water standard for radium-226. Before mining commenced, the water in the production area was used for rural domestic, livestock, and industrial purposes. The Burns/Moser site is in Live Oak County approximately ten miles southwest of George West, west of U.S. Highway 59 in the Jacob Cook Survey 171, A-142 and Wesley Sellman Survey 60, A-416. The facility is an in situ uranium mine in the Lower Oakville Formation, 250 to 400 feet below the surface." (TNRCC Items Signed by Executive Director 11 December 1998 - emphasis added)
"HAZARDOUS WASTE PERMITS: USX Corporation - Texas Uranium Operations (USX) for modification to Production Area Authorization (PAA) UR01890-041, Burns/Moser mine. A PAA is issued as part of the base permit (UR01890-001) to approve the initiation of mining activities. A PAA application contains monitor well locations, water quality data based on pre- mining conditions for use in establishing groundwater restoration targets, and hydrologic test data that shows connection between production wells and production zone monitor wells. The permit and PAA 4 were issued and mining began in 1986. Mining continued until 1987. Restoration, using groundwater sweep and reverse osmosis, was from 1987 to 1997.
USX is requesting amendment of the restoration table under 30 TAC §331.107(f)(2). The proposed amendment would change restoration table values specifying groundwater constituent concentrations for arsenic, calcium, iron, manganese, magnesium, molybdenum, potassium, alkalinity, ammonia, chloride, conductivity, sulfate, TDS, radium 226, uranium. These values are to be met by the permittee (USX) to achieve successful restoration of the mined aquifer in PAA 4. The proposed values will not change the use category of the water. The average water quality present before mining exceeded the TNRCC and EPA primary drinking water standard for radium-226. The Burns/Moser site is in Live Oak County approximately ten miles southwest of George West, west of U.S. Highway 59 in the Jacob Cook Survey 171, A-142 and Wesley Sellman Survey 60, A-416. The facility is an in situ uranium mine in the Lower Oakville Formation, 230 to 280 feet below the surface." (TNRCC Items Signed by Executive Director 4 December 1998 - emphasis added)
TNRCC Permit No. WDW-168
NRC Docket No.
"Notice is hereby given that the Department of State Health Services (department) issued Agreed Orders to the following registrants: [...]
- Everest Exploration, Inc. (License Number L03626) of Corpus Christi. A total penalty of $2,500 shall be paid by registrant for alleged violations of 25 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 289. The registrant shall also comply with additional settlement agreement requirements. " (Texas Register Aug. 3, 2007)
"Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Enforcement Orders
An agreed order was entered regarding Everest Exploration, Incorporated, Docket No. 2001-0828-UIC-E on May 16, 2003 assessing $41,500 in administrative penalties with $40,900 deferred.
Filed: May 27, 2003" (Texas Register June 6, 2003)
Item 23. Docket No. 2001-0828-UIC-E. Consideration of an Agreed Order assessing administrative penalties and requiring certain actions of Everest Exploration, Incorporated in Karnes County; TCEQ Waste Disposal Well Permit No. 168; for underground injection control violations pursuant to chs. 7 and 27 of the Tex. Water Code and the rules of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. (Laurencia Fasoyiro, Gloria Stanford)
Issue agreed order, RM/KW. All Agree" (TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, Marked Agenda May 14, 2003)
"Notice of Opportunity to Comment on Settlement Agreements of Administrative Enforcement Actions
(1) COMPANY: Everest Exploration, Incorporated;
LOCATION: approximately one mile south of Hobson along Farm-to-Market Road 81, Karnes County, Texas;
TYPE OF FACILITY: uranium production;
TCEQ Waste Disposal Well Permit Number 168, Sections XII. C - E, by failing to inspect the pond liner and pond monitor well on a weekly basis, the dikes on a quarterly basis, and the pond freeboarding and piping on a daily basis, and failing to notify the executive director when the freeboard decreased to less than two feet;
30 TAC §331.64(f)(1) and TCEQ Waste Disposal Well Permit Number 168, Section VIII.A and H, by failing to monitor the annulus fluid levels and the corrosion of the well materials;
TCEQ Waste Disposal Well Permit Number 168, Section V.D. by failing to measure the specific gravity of the injected waste at 78 degrees Fahrenheit;
30 TAC §331.64(c), and TCEQ Waste Disposal Well Permit Number 168, Section VII.A, by failing to maintain continuous recording devices in proper operating condition;
30 TAC §331.64(c)(1), by failing to install an automatic alarm system at the well designed to sound and shut-in the well when pressures and flow rates exceed range and/or gradient specified in the permit;
30 TAC §331.63(f), by failing to calibrate gauges, pressure sensing devices, and recording devices on a quarterly basis;
30 TAC §37.21 and §37.201(c), by failing to revise its trust agreement to conform to the wording requirements of 30 TAC §37.301(a) and (b);
PENALTY: $600;
STAFF ATTORNEY: Laurencia Fasoyiro, Litigation Division, MC R-12, (713) 422-8914;
REGIONAL OFFICE: San Antonio Regional Office, 14250 Judson Road, San Antonio, Texas 78233-4480, (210) 490-3096." (Texas Register March 14, 2003)
"On February 25, 2002, the director of the Bureau of Radiation Control (bureau), Texas Department of Health, approved the settlement agreement between the bureau and Everest Exploration, Inc. (licensee-L03626) of Corpus Christi. The licensee has agreed to conduct specified decontamination and decommissioning activities at the uranium processing facilities located at its Hobson, Mt. Lucas and Tex-1 sites no later than July 15, 2002. The Agreed Order substitutes for the Emergency Order issued by the bureau to the licensee on January 14, 2002." (Texas Register Mar. 22, 2002, notice)
"The Texas Department of Health (department) gives notice that it has amended uranium by-product material license L03626 issued to Everest Exploration, Incorporated (mailing address: P.O. Box 1339, Corpus Christi, Texas, 78403). Amendment seven authorizes the licensee to remediate three former irrigation projects utilizing soil homogenization, and updates standard conditions.
The department's Bureau of Radiation Control, Division of Licensing, Registration and Standards has determined, pursuant to 25 Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Chapter 289, that the licensee has met the standards appropriate to this amendment. [...]" (Texas Register, March 8, 2002)
A written hearing request must be received, from a person affected, within 30 days from March 8, 2002.
"Notice is hereby given that the Bureau of Radiation Control (bureau) ordered Everest Exploration, Inc.(licensee-L03626) of Corpus Christi to immediately complete decontamination and decommissioning of the uranium processing facilities located at its Hobson, Mt. Lucas, and Tex-1 sites. The bureau determined that failure to timely and adequately decommission these facilities constitutes an emergency that requires immediate action to protect the public health and safety and the environment. [...]" (Texas Register Feb. 8, 2002, notice
"Notice is hereby given that the Bureau of Radiation Control (bureau), Texas Department of Health (department), issued a notice of violation and proposal to assess an administrative penalty to Everest Exploration, Inc. (licensee-L03626) of Corpus Christi. A total penalty of $100,000 is proposed to be assessed to the registrant for alleged violations of 25 Texas Administrative Code, §§289.252 and 289.260. [...]" (Texas Register Sep 21, 2001)Note:
> View older issues
"Texas Natural Resource Conservation CommissionMarked AGENDA:
Enforcement Orders
An agreed order was entered regarding COGEMA MINING, INC., Docket No. 2001-0868-UIC-E on February 4, 2002 assessing $8,700 in administrative penalties.
An agreed order was entered regarding COGEMA MINING, INC., Docket No. 2001-0823-UIC-E on February 4, 2002 assessing $5,000 in administrative penalties. "
UNDERGROUND INJECTION CONTROL ENFORCEMENT AGREED ORDERS Item 79. Docket No. 2001-0823-UIC-E. Consideration of an Agreed Order assessing administrative penalties against Cogema Mining, Inc. in Webb County; Class I Permit No. WDW 195; for underground injection control violations pursuant to Tex. Water Code chs. 7 and 27 and the rules of the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission. (Thomas E. Jecha)
Issue agreed order, RH/KW. All AgreeItem 80. Docket No. 2001-0868-UIC-E. Consideration of an Agreed Order assessing administrative penalties against Cogema Mining, Inc. in Duval County; Class I Permit Nos. WDW-150 & WDW-151 and Class III Permit No. UR02155-001; for underground injection control violations pursuant to Tex. Water Code chs. 7 and 27 and the rules of the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission. (Sushil Modak, Tom Jecha)
Issue agreed order, RH/KW. All Agree
"HAZARDOUS WASTE PERMITS: COGEMA Mining, Inc. (COGEMA) for a restoration table amendment of a Production Area Authorization (PAA) for Holiday Mine Production Area 6 (also known as Grid 6), Permit Number UR02156-061 which would change ground-water constituent concentrations that are to be met by the permittee to achieve successful restoration of the site's mined aquifer in PAA 6. The proposed amendment would change restoration table concentration values for calcium, carbonate, bicarbonate, sulfate, alkalinity, manganese, molybdenum, selenium, uranium, and radium-226." [...] "The Holiday Mine 6 lies in Duval County, approximately 5 miles east of Bruni. Mining was begun in August 1992 and ended in September 1995, after which ground-water restoration of the ore-bearing aquifer began. Since restoration efforts were initiated, approximately 396 million gallons of aquifer water have been removed during the restoration process." [...] [Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission: Items Signed by Executive Director October 30, 1998 - emphasis added]
"USX Corporation: Texas Uranium Operations (USX) for a modification to Production Area Authorization (PAA) UR02130-011, Clay West mine. A PAA is issued as part of the base permit (UR02130-001) to approve the initiation of mining activities in Production Area 1 within the permit area. The PAA application contains monitor well locations, water quality data based on pre-mining conditions for use in establishing groundwater restoration targets, and hydrologic test data that shows connection between production wells and production zone monitor wells. The permit and PAA were issued and mining began in December 1977. Mining continued until February 1984. Restoration, using ground-water sweep and reverse osmosis, was from March 1981 to May 1997.
USX is requesting amendment of the restoration table under 30 TAC §331.107(f)(2). The proposed amendment would change restoration table values specifying groundwater constituent concentrations for calcium, magnesium, potassium, bicarbonate, sulfate, arsenic, iron, manganese, selenium, ammonia, molybdenum, radium-226, and uranium, which are to be met by the permittee (USX) to achieve successful restoration of this site's mined aquifer in PAA 1. The proposed values will not change the use category of the water. The average water quality present before mining exceeded the TNRCC and EPA primary drinking water standard for radium-226. Before mining commenced, the water in the production area was used for rural domestic, livestock, and industrial purposes. The Clay West site is in Live Oak County approximately eight miles southwest of George West, west of U.S. Highway 59 in the J. Poitevent Survey 67, H. and G.N. R.R. Survey 69, and H. and G.N. R.R. Survey 71. The facility is an in situ uranium mine in the Lower Oakville Formation, at 250 to 400 feet below the surface, undergoing groundwater restoration." [TNRCC Items Signed by Executive Director September 18, 1998 - emphasis added]
"COGEMA Mining, Inc. (COGEMA) for a restoration table amendment of a Production Area Authorization (PAA) for O'Hern Mine Production Area 4 (also known as Grid 4), Permit Number UR01941-041 which would change ground-water constituent concentrations that are to be met by the permittee to achieve successful restoration of the site's mined and shallow aquifers in PAA 4. The proposed amendment would change restoration table concentration values for calcium, magnesium, sodium, bicarbonate, sulfate, chloride, TDS, manganese, molybdenum, selenium, uranium, ammonia and boron." [...] "The O'Hern Mine 4 lies in Webb County, approximately 4 miles east of Bruni. Mining was begun in January 1979 and ended in February 1990, after which ground-water restoration of the ore-bearing and shallow aquifers began. Since restoration efforts were initiated, approximately 155 million gallons of aquifer water have been removed during the restoration process." [...] [Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission: Items Signed by Executive Director October 30, 1998 - emphasis added]
"COGEMA Mining, Incorporated (COMIN) for a production area authorization (PAA) restoration table amendment (RTA) to O'Hern Mine Production Area Number 1 (also known as Grid 1), Permit Number UR01941-011, which would change ground-water constituent concentrations that are to be met by the permittee (COMIN) to achieve successful restoration of the site's mined aquifer in PAA 1. The proposed amendment would change restoration table concentration values for calcium, magnesium, carbonate, sulfate, molybdenum, and uranium." [...]
"Uranium mining took place at the O'Hern Mine Production Area Number 1 from November 1975 to September 1990, after which ground-water restoration of the ore-bearing aquifer began. Since restoration efforts were initiated, approximately 129 million gallons of aquifer water have been removed during the restoration process. Under 30 Texas Administrative Code §331.107(f), the permittee has the option to request an amendment to the PAA Restoration Table, provided that, among other things, an appropriate effort has been made to achieve the permit restoration table values." [...] [TNRCC Items Signed by Executive Director 4 September 1998 - emphasis added]
"USX - Texas Uranium Operations (USX) for a production area authorization (PAA) restoration table amendment (RTA) to Boots/Brown Mine Production Area Number 1, Permit Number UR02154-011, which would change ground-water constituent concentrations that are to be met by the permittee (USX) to achieve successful restoration of the site's mined aquifer in PAA 1. The proposed amendment would change restoration table concentration values for calcium, magnesium, potassium, bicarbonate, sulfate, fluoride, alkalinity, iron, selenium, ammonia, molybdenum, and radium-226." [...]
"Uranium mining took place at Boots/Brown Mine Production Area Number 1 from May 1978 to July 1987, after which ground-water restoration of the ore-bearing aquifer began. Since restoration efforts were initiated, approximately 1.70 billion gallons" [6.435 million cubic meters] "of aquifer water have been removed during the restoration process. Under 30 Texas Administrative Code §331.107(f), the permittee has the option to request an amendment to the PAA Restoration Table, provided that, among other things, an appropriate effort has been made to achieve the permit restoration table values." [...] [TNRCC Items Signed by Executive Director 4 September 1998 - emphasis added]
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"Notice of Uranium By-Product Material License Amendment issued to Rio Grande Resources CorporationThe Texas Department of Health (department) gives notice that it has amended uranium by-product material license L01234 issued to Rio Grande Resources Corporation, for its Palangana Project, located in Duval County in the Palangana Dome area about 5.5 miles north of Benavides and 0.6 miles west of FM 3196, (mailing address: P.O. Box 1000, Hobson, Texas, 78117). Amendment number 17 releases the licensed area for unrestricted use while awaiting United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission concurrence on license termination. [...]" (Texas Register, Jan. 29, 1999)
"Item 4.
Docket No. 95-0877-UIC. Consideration of an application by CHEVRON U.S.A., INC., DBA CHEVRON RESOURCES COMPANY for an amendment to the production area authorization for Production Area No. 1 under existing Permit No. UR02051-011 at its Palangana in situ uranium mine site. The proposed amendment would revise restoration values for conductivity, ammonia, molybdenum, radium-226 and alkalinity. The proposed values will not change the use category of the water. Prior to mining, the water in the production area was used for livestock. Chevron Resources Company has met the following criteria set forth in 30 TAC 331.107(f)(2) for an amendment to restoration table values: a) reasonable efforts have been taken by the company to restore the aquifer; b) the formation water in the aquifer is suitable for any use to which it was suitable prior to mining; and c) further restoration efforts would consume energy, water, or other natural resources of the state without providing a corresponding benefit to the state. The Palangana site is approximately 5.4 miles north of Benavides, and .6 mile west of Farm Road 3196, in Duval County. Texas. The production zone is in the Goliad Formation at a depth of 230 to 390 feet below land surface. (Lisa Roberts)Approved, PR/RM"
License termination requested for never developed Panna Maria uranium in situ leach mine:
On Nov. 6, 2012, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) issued Radioactive Material License No. R06063 for a uranium in situ leach mine at Panna Maria (not to be confused with the uranium mill and tailings site of the same name).
On Sep. 27, 2022, Rio Grande Resources Corporation (RGR) requested termination of RML R06063 upon expiration on November 30, 2022 [...].
RGR has not conducted any activities authorized by the license on the site during the term of the
license. Therefore [...] Decommissioning activities are not required since no activities were conducted at the site. (ML24276A049 )
> Access: related documents , Oct. 10, 2024
> See older issues
"COGEMA MINING, INC., West Cole Mine Paa 2, P.O. Box 228, Bruni, Texas 78344, an in situ uranium mine undergoing ground water restoration, has applied for a restoration table amendment to a production area authorization UR02463-021. The West Cole mine is in Webb County 40 miles east of Laredo and two miles north of Bruni on the west side of Farm Road 2050. Mining started in West Cole Production Area No. 2 in January 1982. Restoration began in December 1989 using groundwater sweep, reverse osmosis, and injection of water from an underlying aquifer. Since restoration started, 19.01 pore volumes or approximately 181 million gallons" [0.685 million cubic meters] "of aquifer water have been removed. One pore volume equals 9.6 million gallons. The proposed amendment would change the restoration table in accordance with 30 TAC 331.107." (Texas Register June 4, 1999 - emphasis added)
Item 18.
"COGEMA MINING, INC. for an amendment to the production area authorization for Production Area No. 1 under existing Permit No. UR02463-011 (West Cole Mine Site). The proposed amendment would revise restoration values for calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, bicarbonate, TDS, conductivity, alkalinity, selenium, uranium, molybdenum and radium-226. The proposed values will not change the use category of the water. Prior to mining, the water in the production area was used for livestock. The West Cole Project is located in Webb County, Texas, approximately 40 miles east of Laredo and approximately two miles north of Brunion on the west side of Farm Road 2050. The production zone is the Soledad member of the Catahoula formation at a depth of appoximately 225 to 270 feet."SIGNED JUNE 27, 1997
Proposed Settlement: The proposed Agreed Final Judgment is between TCEQ and CBS Corporation only. It authorizes the disbursement of all funds, including any accrued interests, held in the Court registry to TCEQ for deposit into the State's Environmental Radiation Perpetual Care Account. The parties also agree to release all claims and causes of action arising from this lawsuit against each other, and covenant not to sue or take administrative or civil action that may arise from this lawsuit against each other. [...]
Written comments must be received within 30 days of publication of this notice to be considered.
> Texas Register November 8, 2024, Volume 49 Number 45, Pages 8787-9076, In Addition
"Although NRC is not the regulator of this site, the NRC staff is aware of the State of Texas (the State) regulatory activities for the former International Energy Corporation in situ uranium recovery operations that includes both the Lamprecht and Zamzow well field locations. We understand the State has revoked the license due to the licensee's lack of adequate action to reclaim the surface contamination at the properties to unrestricted use levels. The State regulators have been pursuing use of the financial surety funds to complete the reclamation of the properties. This activity is currently in litigation and will likely go to trial later this year. Our understanding is that upon a decision by the court on the use of the surety funds, it will take one to two years to complete the surface reclamation of these properties."
(NRC letter dated Aug. 26, 2009, to Tim Smith, ADAMS Acc. No. ML092290189; emphasis added)
Item 21.Excerpt from Uranium Institute News Briefing 97.28:
"INTERCONTINENTAL ENERGY CORPORATION (IEC) for an amendment to Production Area Authorization No. 1 (Permit No. UR02108-011) at the Zamzow Mine Site. The proposed amendment would change restoration values for sodium, bicarbonate, pH, alkalinity, arsenic, ammonia, uranium, molybdenum, and radium-226. Prior to mining, the water in the production area was used for livestock. The water will remain suitable for this use with the proposed values. The Zamzow Project is located in Live Oak County, Texas, approximately eight miles east of the Three Rivers and 65 miles northwest of Corpus Christi. The production zone is in the Oakville sand at a depth of 35 to 225 feet or approximately 65 to 130 feet below mean sea level."SIGNED JUNE 27, 1997
"US: Cima Energy's groundwater restoration activities at former ISL uranium mines in South Texas were concluded when the Texas Natural Resources conservation Commission approved the completion of groundwater restoration at the Zamzow site. The three Cima mines involved - Zamzow, Lamprecht and Pawnee - were the last three ISL operations in the US to use ammonium bicarbonate, and according to Cima president Wallace Mays, the cleanup is probably the largest groundwater restoration project ever undertaken. (Cima Energy, 9 July)"
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