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(last updated 4 Mar 2024)
Depending on the elements and nuclides contained in the matter, neutron interaction can cause various types of reaction, many of which leading to the formation of radioactive activation products. Thus, matter irradiated by neutrons becomes radioactive and remains, at least for some time, radioactive even after the neutron source is shut off.
The measurement of activation products in accidentally irradiated matter allows to determine the strength of the neutron exposure.
On the other hand, in case of a known neutron exposure of a sample, the same method can be used to determine concentrations of any (including non-radioactive) nuclides in the sample (Neutron Activation Analysis - NAA).
In the nuclear power industry, neutron activation is a matter of concern in reactors and in spent fuel management.
In the nuclear fuel industry, it can inadvertently occur in case of criticality accidents.
In addition, neutron activation can be used to produce artificial radionuclides for a number of purposes.
The calculator offers two modes of operation:
The decay and air kerma database contains a total of 1252 radionuclides.
The cross section database contains the thermal neutron activation cross sections of 597 nuclides.
The calculator performs a complete decay analysis for the activation products and all their decay products, according to [Bateman 1910]; minor nuclides are listed at the end.
The results are presented in numerical form in the Results table for the irradiation period and the post-irradiation delay time specified. The remaining amount/activity of the origin nuclide (due to depletion from (n,γ) reactions and decay) is preceded by "=>", activation products by "->", and decay products of the activation products by "~>".
The mechanisms taken into account for target depletion are indicated as follows: "λ" for decay of radioactive target nuclides, and "γ" for thermal neutron activation.
Note: The contents of the numerical result field can be marked and copied to the clipboard for further use.
In addition, the results are optionally presented in an Output Chart showing the total series activities for each series specified, or individual nuclide activities, vs. time. The output chart type can be chosen as a line chart, a stacked area chart, or an animated bar chart.
Note: Please be aware that in line charts, a nuclide may hide one or more others. Clicking on a nuclide name in the legend toggles the corresponding curve on/off. If charts are enabled, computing time may increase.
The contents of the database for any element or nuclide can be checked with the "Query nuclide database" button. It shows, where available, the following data:
More properties of radionuclides can be looked up with the Nuclear Data Viewer.
This JavaScript calculator is suitable for offline use.
Select appropriate mode before any other data entry (this selection resets the complete calculator):
Data import: Longer lists of input data can be imported by pasting the data to the Import field first (next to the "IMPORT" button), then clicking the "IMPORT" button. For this purpose, the data must be delimited by space, comma, tab, or new lines. So, direct import from applications such as Excel is possible by copying and pasting, if the data is organized in two columns for name and mass value.
Note: make sure that you get decimal points (not commas!) from your spreadsheet software!
Note: Don't forget to select the appropriate mass unit!
Typical neutron flux values:
Neutron Source | Neutron Flux [per cm2s] |
Cosmic radiation at sea level in Germany | 0.0122 |
Alpha (Pb-210, Po-210, Ra-226, Th-228, Pu-239, or Am-241) or Gamma (Sb-124) emitters, with beryllium powder | 104 - 107 |
Cyclotron-accelerated Deuterons on H-2, H-3, or Be-9 | 108 - 1010 |
Uranium reactor | 108 - 1016 |
Ohio State University reactor, Columbus, OH, USA | 2.7 x 1013 |
ANSTO OPAL reactor, Lucas Heights, NSW, Australia | 1.1 x 1014 |
FRM-II reactor Garching (TU München), Germany | 8 x 1014 |
Neutron emission rates:
The total number of fissions which occured during the 1999 JCO Co. criticality accident was approx. 2.5·1018. Each fission releases 2-3 neutrons, so the total number of neutrons released was approx. 6·1018. Since the criticality persisted for 20 hours, the average neutron emission rate would have been 8·1013 per s. In fact, however, a first strong peak of a few minutes was followed by a longer phase of decline. |
"The thermal neutron component consists of low-energy neutrons (energies below 0.5 eV) in thermal equilibrium with atoms in the reactor's moderator. At room temperature, the energy spectrum of thermal neutrons is best described by a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution with a mean energy of 0.025 eV and a most probable velocity of 2200 m/s. In most reactor irradiation positions, 90-95% of the neutrons that bombard a sample are thermal neutrons. In general, a one-megawatt reactor has a peak thermal neutron flux of approximately 1E13 neutrons per square centimeter per second.
The epithermal neutron component consists of neutrons (energies from 0.5 eV to about 0.5 MeV) which have been only partially moderated. A cadmium foil 1 mm thick absorbs all thermal neutrons but will allow epithermal and fast neutrons above 0.5 eV in energy to pass through. In a typical unshielded reactor irradiation position, the epithermal neutron flux represents about 2% the total neutron flux. Both thermal and epithermal neutrons induce (n,γ) reactions on target nuclei. [...] The fast neutron component of the neutron spectrum (energies above 0.5 MeV) consists of the primary fission neutrons which still have much of their original energy following fission. Fast neutrons contribute very little to the (n,γ) reaction, but instead induce nuclear reactions where the ejection of one or more nuclear particles - (n,p), (n,n'), and (n,2n) - are prevalent. In a typical reactor irradiation position, about 5% of the total flux consists of fast neutrons. [...]" [Glascock 2001] |
Basically, the calculator uses the following equation from [Cember 1988] to determine the activity (λ · N) of an activation product resulting from the exposure of a target to thermal neutrons:
λ · N = Φ · σ · n · (1 - e - λ · t)
Φ = neutron flux [neutrons per cm2 per sec]
σ = activation cross section of the target nuclide [cm2]
λ = transformation constant of the induced activity [per sec]
N = number of induced radioactive atoms
n = number of target atoms
t = irradiation time [sec]
To simplify calculation, the neutron flux is treated as a virtual parent nuclide for the activation product. The build-up of the activation product and the depletion of the origin nuclides thus actually is computed as part of the decay chain calculation.
The decay analysis for the activation products and all their decay products is performed according to [Bateman 1910].
For the air kerma calculations, the air kerma coefficient Kair,δ for a hypothetical point source from [ICRP 2008] is used. It does not necessarily cover all radiations from a real source.
[BNL 2001] PCNuDat data base at BNL (no longer online).
[Cember 1988] Introduction to Health Physics, Second Edition, by Herman Cember, 1988
[Glascock 2001] An Overview of Neutron Activation Analysis , by Michael D. Glascock, Missouri University Research Reactor, 2001
[IAEA 2003] Thermal Neutron Capture Cross Sections, Resonance Integrals and g-Factors , International Atomic Energy Agency - International Nuclear Data Committee, IAEA INDC(NDS)-440, February 2003.
[ICRP 2008] ICRP Publication 107: Nuclear Decay Data for Dosimetric Calculations , by A. Endo and K.F. Eckerman, 2008
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