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Depleted Uranium Value Calculator

(last updated 24 Nov 2020)
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Determines the monetary value of depleted uranium tails, here defined as the value that can be realized (in times of high uranium market prices) by re-enrichment to natural-equivalent uranium.

Enter amount of depleted uranium input in the Material Balance, modify parameters, as required, and click the "Calculate" button below. HELP
"t" means metric tonne.

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Material Balance
Depleted Uranium input:   (= ) (Primary Tails)
Conversion t UF6 (= t U) (depleted) 

t UF6 (= t U) (natural-equiv.) t UF6 (= t U) (Secondary Tails)

Value Summary (in Thousand US$)
Natural-equiv. Uranium Product Value
Conversion Cost Balance
Re-Enrichment Cost
Waste Management Deconversion Cost Balance
Waste Management Disposal Cost Balance

This value is obtained for the Optimum Secondary Tails Assay of wt_% U-235


Value Summary Chart

(Click legend items to toggle specific curves on/off)

    Cost Parameters    
 Market Price
Natural Uranium
$ per lb U3O8
Conversion$ per kg U
Re-Enrichment$ per SWU
Waste Management $ per kg U in UF6: deconversion cost to U3O8
$ per kg U in U3O8: disposal cost as U3O8
consider avoided waste management cost of Primary Tails as a bonus
consider waste management cost of Secondary Tails as a liability

    Process Parameters    
Conversion Losses: %
Re-Enrichment Primary Tails Assay: wt_% U-235
Product Assay: 0.711   wt_% U-235
Deconversion Losses: %


> See also:


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