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Uranium Enrichment Calculator - HELP

(last updated 27 Dec 2021)



This calculator performs calculations of the material balance of uranium enrichment. It applies for enrichment by both gaseous diffusion and gas centrifuges.

The material balance is presented in a flow chart. Upon entry of one value into any of the flow chart's input fields, all other fields are calculated accordingly. So, it is possible to calculate the balance per tonne of uranium hexafluoride (UF6) feed, as well as per tonne of U contained in enriched UF6 product, for example.
Note: SWU is the acronym for Separative Work Unit (also known as "kg SWU").

The parameters used for the calculation can be set in the Process Parameters table. These parameters show reasonable initial values which can be modified as needed. There are no other hidden parameters used in the calculation.

Note: The calculator is not suitable for reprocessed uranium.
> For the calculation of minor isotopes (also for recycled uranium), see JOL's Friendly Enrichment Calculator.

> See also the Uranium Enrichment Cost Optimizer, the Nuclear Fuel Material Balance Calculator, the Nuclear Fuel Cost Calculator, and the Nuclear Fuel Population Health Risk Calculator, among others.


Process Parameters

Feed Assay [wt-% U-235]
Weight-percent of the fissile isotope uranium-235 in the uranium contained in the UF6 feed stream of the enrichment plant.
(Note: Natural uranium contains 0.711 wt-% of uranium-235)

Product Assay [wt-% U-235]
Weight-percent of the fissile isotope uranium-235 in the uranium contained in the product stream (enriched uranium hexafluoride) of the enrichment plant.
Values for use in pressurized water reactors (PWR) range between 3.6% and 4.1%, and for use in boiling water reactors (BWR) between 3.0% and 3.2%.

Tails Assay [wt-% U-235]
Weight-percent of the isotope uranium-235 in the uranium contained in the waste stream (depleted uranium hexafluoride) of the enrichment plant.
Typical values range between 0.25% and 0.30%. The tails assay can be selected according to economic feasibilty.


Calculation Details

The formulae used by the calculator for the enrichment process can be found in Wikipedia .


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