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Nuclear Fuel Energy and CO2 Balance Calculator

(last updated 16 Feb 2016)
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Calculate material, energy, and CO2 emission balance for the front end of the nuclear fuel chain.

Enter a value into any one field of the flow chart and click the "Calculate" button below.     HELP
"t" means metric tonne.

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Uranium Mine–> t Waste Rock
t Uranium Ore (= t U)
Uranium Mill–> t tailings solids
m3 tailings liquid
t U3O8 (= t U) 
Conversion Plant–> t solid waste
m3 liquid waste
t UF6 (nat) (= t U) 
Enrichment Plant
–> t UF6 (depleted) (= t U)
t UF6 (enriched) (= t U) 
Fuel Fabrication Plant–> m3 solid waste
m3 liquid waste
t UO2 (= t U)
Nuclear Power Plant–> t spent fuel
Electricity Production
GWhe ( = GWae)


 Energy ConsumptionCO2 Emission
 Fossil FuelElectricityfrom
fossil fuel
 [TJ]= [GWhth][GWhe][t][t][t]
Fuel Fabrication





Contribution of process steps to energy consumption and emissions


Contribution of energy forms to energy consumption and emissions





    Process Parameters    
Ore Deposit Waste/Ore Ratio:  ·  Ore Grade: wt-% U
Mill Extraction Losses: %
Solids in tailings effluent: wt-%
Conversion Losses: %
Solid waste: t per t U  ·  Liquid waste: m3 per t U
Enrichment Product Assay: wt-% U-235  ·  Tails Assay: wt-% U-235
Fuel Fabrication Losses: %
Solid waste: m3 per t U  ·  Liquid waste: m3 per t U
Power Plant Fuel Burnup: GWd/t U  ·  Efficiency: %

    Energy Consumption Parameters    
 Fossil FuelElectricity
Mining MJ per t ore
MJ per t waste rock
kWhe per t ore
kWhe per t waste rock
Milling MJ per t ore kWhe per t ore
Conversion MJ per kg U kWhe per kg U
Enrichment MJ per SWU kWhe per SWU
Fuel Fabrication MJ per kg U kWhe per kg U

    Emission Parameters    
 Fossil FuelElectricity
CO2 t per TJ t per GWhe


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