WISE Uranium Project
Enrichment & Fuel Fab.
Nuclear Fuel Plant Workers - Current Issues
(last updated 18 Jan 2016)
> See also:
Radiation Exposure for Uranium Industry Workers
Uranium Mine and Mill Workers - Current Issues
Uranium Radiation Individual Dose Calculator
Dec. 10, 2015:
Study finds increased incidence of pleural cancer among French uranium enrichment workers
Dec. 2014:
Study among French nuclear workers finds increased mortality risk from exposure to reprocessed uranium
July 2013:
Employees of uranium gaseous diffusion plants carry a higher risk of lung cancer mortality, study finds
July 23, 2013:
Nuclear fuel fabrication workers receive highest individual radiation doses in France's nuclear sector
Mar. 14, 2013:
Study finds no significant increase in cancer incidence rate in Port Hope radium and uranium processing workers
Sep. 2010:
Study suggests increased lung cancer risk associated with exposure to reprocessed uranium
July 2010:
Study finds slight increase in lymphatic and bone marrow cancers in Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant workers
U.S. DOE nuclear worker compensation
July 2001:
NIOSH health study of Portsmouth enrichment plant workers (Ohio)
Oct. 11, 2000:
U.S. DOE releases independent investigation report on former Oak Ridge, Tennessee, enrichment plant
May 23, 2000:
Former nuclear fuel plant worker sues Siemens for lung fibrosis (Germany)
Impacts of JCO criticality accident Tokai-Mura (Japan)
Former processing of recycled uranium in U.S. enrichment plants
WISE Uranium Project
Enrichment & Fuel Fab.